Every single facet of digital marketing can be used to inform the marketing strategy of another.
For example, you can use:
- Facebook Ads to build a larger email list…
- Email to encourage people to join your community, and…
- Community conversations to inform your content calendar.
In fact…
There are endless ways to connect all the skills in digital marketing:
A content marketer has perfected the art of growing an audience through organic traffic strategies.
But a T-shaped content marketer can take their content and use it to build a full-fledged marketing plan by incorporating…
- Keyword research to determine which blog post topics to rank for
- Data and optimization tactics for updating content and staying relevant, and
- Social media sharing to build authority and brand awareness
In another field, a copywriter is tasked with writing promotional copy for email, paid ads, and products.
But a T-shaped copywriter knows the exact language that reaches their intended audience by understanding…
- Email Marketing best practices
- The stages of the Customer Value Journey
- Community Management
And that’s where the picture starts to get a little bit clearer.